Tips For Finding The Right Commercial Recycling Box For Your Business

You may want to create a recycling program for your company and need a commercial recycling box for your facility. It's possible you already have a program in place but are in need of buying a new recycling box to replace an existing one. It might be difficult to decide which box is best for your business.

Here are some tips to help you find a commercial recycling box for your business.

Consider Where The Recycling Box Will Go

The first thing you need to consider is, where will you put a commercial recycling box on your property. Will you have more than one box? How large of a building do you have? What type of recycling does your company do?

If you aren't sure where to place a commercial recycling box, think about where in the building you do the most recycling. For example, do you recycle a lot of paper from your office? You might want to place a recycling box in a central location for your office staff. It's possible your factory or manufacturing plant creates cardboard or perhaps plastic waste. You might want to put a recycling box on the factory floor for easy access.

Think About How Much Recycling You Do

Once you have a good idea of where you want to place a commercial recycling box or two, then think about how much recycling you do in those areas. Do you recycle large volumes on a regular basis? Does it take longer to fill a box because your business doesn't generate as much waste?

You need to think about how much recycling your company does so you can get the right size of commercial recycling box for your needs. You might need a large box or two because your employees generate a lot of recyclable material daily. It's also possible that it might take up to a week to fill a large box, so a smaller box might be the right fit.

Consider If You Need Outdoor Boxes

You might need to think about whether or not you need a commercial recycling box outside your building. If you own a restaurant or perhaps a grocery store, you might want to have a recycling box outside on your property too. The same is true for large manufacturing companies and even schools. 

If you do need an outdoor commercial recycling box, think about the kind of weather your area receives. Depending on the type of weather you get year-round, you will need either sturdier and winterproof boxes or boxes that can withstand heat and severe weather. 
