Common Cast Net Myths You May Assume To Be True

For an avid fishing enthusiast, a cast net can be an important purchase to make. In addition to allowing them to easily catch baitfish, these nets can also be extremely useful for catching larger fish that may be close to the shore. While cast nets are an old type of fishing tool, many modern fishers may not be fully informed about them.

Myth: Cast Nets Are Always Illegal To Use

There is an assumption among some people that cast nets are always illegal to use when fishing. However, most states will allow this fishing technique, but there are likely to be some limitations that will need to be followed. For example, some states may limit the size of the cast net that can be used. Additionally, the use of these nets may be restricted to specific areas. Thoroughly reviewing this information will be essential for avoiding potential fines or even the suspension of your fishing license.

Myth: All Cast Nets Will Be Equally Effective

Cast nets come in a variety of sizes and weights. This can make it important to consider the factors that will influence the performance of the net. Larger nets may be able to catch more fish, but they will close much slower. Due to this, it can be possible for more fish to escape from the net before it closes. When choosing a cast net, you will want to balance the size of the net with the weights that are used to close it. Ideally, you will want the net to close as quickly as possible once it hits the water so that it can trap as many fish as possible.

Myth: A Casting Net Will Be Impossible To Reliably Repair

A modern cast net will be made of extremely durable fibers, but they may still suffer damage from sharp rocks, sticks, and other items that may be in the water. If your net suffers a tear or rip, it may be far less effective at trapping fish. Fortunately, it is fairly easy to repair a cast net so that it will be as reliable as it originally was. If you are not comfortable with sewing or using threading, there are many fishing equipment repair services that will be able to patch the net so that you can continue to use it for many years before you have to fully replace the netting. After each use of the cast net, it should be checked for fraying and other damage to determine if these repairs are needed before you use it again.
